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EXPO REAL 2023: an impression
- september 20, 2024
1856 exhibitors from 36 countries and more than 40,000 visitors from 70 countries: EXPO REAL once again attracted real estate professionals from all over the world to Munich. Amid uncertainty, EXPO REAL 2023 offered the industry room for reorientation.
As in the past 15 years, Holland Property Plaza was present, together with 10 co-exhibitors. We look back on a dynamic and successful fair!
Ice Breaking Dinner
True to tradition, we kicked off EXPO REAL with the Ice Breaking Dinner on the evening before the start of the fair. All co-exhibitors and crew members get a chance to get to know each other better, while enjoying a nice dinner. We raised our glasses to a successful fair.
Investor Dinner
Just one firm tap and HPP chairman Wienke Bodewes opened the keg of beer for the HPP Investor Dinner. With 60 decision-makers, we came together for a Bayerian evening, with good conversations on business and personal level. As always, it was incredibly enjoyable and valuable.