Province of Limburg: an innovative (Eu)region

The Dutch province of Limburg is located in the three countries bordering Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. Presenting Limburg as an attractive and innovative region is our main objective to our visit at EXPO REAL. We do this by presenting the Brightlands campuses and our ambition to program large-scale housing construction and spatial planning on the six Limburg intercity locations (‘Limburg centraal’).


Brightlands is a dynamic and innovative ecosystem in Limburg, where companies, knowledge institutions and startups collaborate on groundbreaking technologies and sustainable solutions. It is a place where science and business meet and where ideas are transformed into specific projects. Always with an eye for what has social value and can also be commercially interesting. At Brightlands, state-of-the-art facilities and laboratories are offered, where innovators and visionaries can experiment and develop their ideas. It is an environment that encourages co-creation, knowledge sharing and cooperation between different disciplines. Brightlands is the place where innovation and entrepreneurship come together, and where the future takes shape.

Areas of expertise

  • Healthy and sustainable food, future farming and biocircular economy (Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo)
  • Circular materials, biomedical innovations and sustainable processes (Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Sittard-Geleen)
  • Valorization and financing (Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus)
  • Artificial intelligence, data science and smart digital services (Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen)

Limburg Centraal

Limburg Central includes the development of large-scale housing locations, led by the Province of Limburg and the municipalities of Heerlen, Maastricht, Roermond, Sittard-Geleen, Weert and Venlo. These are locations that are easily accessible by public transport and intended for housing seekers from Limburg and beyond. Over 30,000 homes can be built before 2040 within a 1.5 kilometer circle (15-minute walk) near the six train stations in the aforementioned cities. This will not only boost housing construction, but also the economic development of Limburg and the quality of life in its immediate surroundings. Limburg offers room for growth, which provides opportunities for Limburg cities in terms of economy, facilities and livability. But Limburg Central is about more than living; it shows how we want to shape our urbanization in a sustainable way: integrated; living, working and life and a Limburg that is well connected to its surroundings. Here, the presence of the Brightlands campuses is an important stimulus for the attractiveness of the Province.

Representatives at the HPP stand

Brandon Theunissen

Process Secretary for Programmes and Projects



Province Limburg
Limburglaan 10
6229 GA Maastricht
The Netherlands
Learn more about Province Limburg

See the other HPP co-exhibitors